Welcome to VidyaSaar: NCERT Curriculum! VidyaSaar addresses the gaps in education by making online learning engaging, contextual, and visual, not just theoretical. Leveraging technology to make learning personalized, this app is designed to help students access chapter-wise videos, Live sessions, notes and sample papers. It aids them to grasp concepts better by offering powerfully designed online coaching programs delivered by a team of subject experts.
NCERT Curriculum/NCERT Solutions:
Ncert Class 10 Curriculum/NCERT Class 10 Solution
Is the pressure to perform in Board exams too much? Refer to NCERT Class 10 solutions for Maths, Science & English to track your progress.
Ncert Class 10 Maths Curriculum/NCERT Class 10 Maths Solutions
Solve Class 10 Maths Sample Papers curated by the expert faculty to help you prepare and perform well in board examinations.
Ncert Class 10 Science Curriculum/NCERT Class 10 Science Solutions
Scale up your knowledge of concepts with Class 10 Science books, sample papers curated by subject-matter experts.
Ncert Class 10 English Curriculum/NCERT Class 10 English Solutions
Learn from the most comprehensive Class 10 English notes. Gain an in-depth knowledge of key concepts and ace your board exams.
Key Features:
Concept-based Learning
Video Lessons in Hinglish & Hindi
Interactive Questions and Tests
Introduction of Case Studies
Quick Revision with Summary Videos
Live Video Sessions
Solved Sample Papers of Previous Exams
Dashboard to Track Progress
VidyaSaar is an online learning app that features interactive videos and Live sessions taught by subject experts. Understand complex topics and solidify your learnings at your own pace, affordably, anywhere, and anytime.